July 27, 2024

In Potenza the Italian Multiplier Event of the Erasmus+ KA2 VET “Vir2TEX” project

Meeting students and teachers is always a fantastic emotion that turns into a beautiful experience and many great memories that remain both for us project partners and for those who participate;
it’s the case of 15 students and 5 teachers from the Giovanni Giorgi institute in Potenza who hosted us for two days, Monday 17 and Tuesday 18 April on the occasion of the multiplier event of the KA2 project – Strategic Partnerships Digital Learning Materials for Sustainable Textile Education.

We met students and teachers of the 3rd, 4th and 5th year of the tailoring and textile school who participated with great enthusiasm commitment and motivation in these two days meetings.
This project was designed and developed precisely for the students of higher, professional and scholastic training institutes and organizations in the textile education sector by the lead partner – the Turkish University of Yasar – and by the other Italian, Romanian and Polish partners, including ETN School.

The two dissemination meetings envisaged various activities in which the students experimented with the support of their teachers: the presentations prepared by the partners with information on the project, the explanation of the contents and the testing of the educational platform that everyone found very useful and interesting.

They read the insights, they saw materials and videos, they enjoyed learning through the contents created with virtual reality. Finally, they took the self-assessment test on the training modules and carefully filled in the questionnaire prepared by the partners to test the usefulness of the platform and to understand the impact that this type of educational content had on the project targets, i.e. students and teachers of the textile sector.

At the end of the meetings we said goodbye and made a date in early June, when, like every year, the Giorgi Institute will organize the ‘Giorgi on the catwalk’ event, a precious opportunity to see live the textile creations of these brilliant young students who will be the protagonists between an evening dress and a prêt-à-porter suit.

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