February 10, 2025

Fostering Intercultural Competence: Greek teachers from SDE Mytilene in Berlin(k)

From March 15 to March 23, 2023, a fantastic group of eight dedicated educators from SDE Mytilene in Greece embarked on an enlightening journey to Berlin, under the Erasmus Plus program. This professional development initiative aimed at enhancing their understanding of multiculturalism in Germany and the dynamics of international classrooms. They participated in a four-hour educational seminar on intercultural classes and four professional visits.

This seminar provided the Greek teachers with theoretical and practical insights into the complexities and benefits of a multicultural educational environment. This understanding is crucial in fostering an inclusive classroom environment where every student feels respected and valued. Educators were introduced to various teaching strategies that accommodate the diverse needs of students from different cultural backgrounds. These strategies aim to create a more engaging and effective learning experience for all students.

To complement the theoretical knowledge gained during the seminar, the teachers participated in four professional visits to key organizations in Berlin, each offering unique perspectives and practices related to multiculturalism and integration:

1. **moveGLOBAL e.V. – Berliner Verband für migrantisch-diasporische Organisationen in der Einen-Welt**
2. **Give Something Back To Berlin e.V.**
3. **Refugee Voices Tours – Tour “Why We’re Here”**
4. **Museum Europäischer Kulturen**

The Erasmus Plus program offered the Greek teachers from SDE Mytilene a unique opportunity to expand their horizons and enhance their professional skills. The combination of theoretical knowledge and practical experiences gained during the seminar and professional visits equipped them with the tools to better manage and enrich their intercultural classrooms.In conclusion, the Erasmus Plus program’s initiative to facilitate such international exchanges is invaluable in promoting intercultural understanding and cooperation. The experience of the Greek teachers in Berlin stands as a testament to the positive impact of such programs on educators.

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