February 10, 2025

Job Shadowing in Rimini: an indelible experience for some Polish teachers at the Scuola Maestre Pie

Last week our agency in Rimini “Sistema Turismo” hosted a group of four teachers from Poland within the Erasmus+ program – School education sector entitled “Development of teachers and school staff with the development of the institution.” (Project number: 2022-1-PL01-KA122-SCH-000075764)

The participants were three teachers from the elementary and middle school “Szkoła Podstawowa nr 34 Zespołu Szkolno – Przedszkolnego nr 6 we Wrocławiu” and a manager of the high school “Zespół Szkół Centrum Kształcenia Rolniczego im. Wincentego Witosa w Mokrzeszowie”. During this stay in Rimini, they carried out a job shadowing at the “Maestre Pie” private schools – Primary, Lower and Higher Secondary Schools in Rimini.

During the first meeting with Sister Mirella Ricci, manager of the school, and professors Riccardo Belotti and Francesco De Luigi, and a few moments dedicated to the end of each lesson, the participants were able to get to know the Italian educational system well, which differs in some aspects from the Polish one. The Polish teachers also took part in some lower secondary school lessons, Italian literature, Spanish, art, music and English, and Italian and secondary school theater lessons.

The pupils were very intrigued and were able to ask the teachers from Poland questions to better understand how the Polish school works, what are the differences. A beautiful moment of growth and comparison for everyone.

The Polish teachers were amazed by the preparation, enthusiasm and energy of their Italian colleagues, but above all by their wonderful relationship with the students and their teaching methods, as well as by the extraordinary way in which they always managed to keep their attention. of the pupils, to make them interact and intrigue.

All the lessons were very interesting and engaging, thanks to the exemplary preparation of the teachers.

We are very grateful to the school manager, Sister Mirella Ricci, the educational and didactic coordinator prof. Giovanni Pretolani, professors Riccardo Belotti and Francesco De Luigi and all the other teachers for their availability, professionalism and great hospitality at their school.

It was a great experience for all parties involved.

Long live the ETN motto “learning by moving” and the Erasmus Plus program, which allows you to acquire new skills, get to know new cultures and break stereotypes.

Kasia Gawronek

International Relations Area of ETN

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