July 27, 2024

The secrets of creating computer games and designing online stores were learned by students of the Zespół Szkół Informatycznych in Kielce, Poland

Interestingly, the classes were held in Spain and young people went there thanks to the PO WER Project prepared by the School called “IT specialist on the European labour market”. In total, 57 students gained experience in this field. As Kacper says, during the trip you could learn a lot of interesting things.

“For a week we were familiar with the Unity programming environment and the language in which we programmed, i.e. C Sharp. Then we moved on to creating our own game. We learned how to design models, write code, create soundtracks, and then we combined it all into a logical whole”, explains Kacper.

The result of the internship is a computer game written by Simon.

“This is a simple platform game in which we get to know our School. Each subject taught in our School is properly animated”, explains the young creator.

Katarzyna Grimm, the head of practical training at Zespół Szkół Informatycznych, says that the Project also included traineeships in Cork, Ireland. There, students had internships in IT companies. One of the students who participated in them is Ania, who created a website.

“It was dedicated to renting a summerhouse and a boat. I think that it also taught us how to communicate with the client and the awareness that we cannot always do everything the way we want. We have to adapt to the customer’s expectations. Alternatively, suggest solutions that, based on our knowledge, can be better”, says Ania.

Dominika and Mateusz, who had an internship in an internet cafe, emphasize that the internship was also an opportunity to improve their English.

The team of Zespół Szkół Informatycznych in Kielce cooperates with their partner institutions ETN Training Vision Ireland and EuroMind from Spain and is already planning further projects that will enable their students to gain their professional experience in foreign companies.

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