July 27, 2024

SkillsAct4Vet: crossing results and widening impact

The debate around #SoftSkills has reached a central role during the last decade among the experts in training mobilities for #VetStudents. 

Work-placement providers, teachers, pedagogists, psychologists, trainers, tutors and entrepreneurs have been investigating about the most demanded soft skills in the labor market, and how to measure and train them.

To discuss about these topics, #SkillsAct4Vet project coordinator, Giulia Scavone met Francesca Drago, from ‘Scuola Centrale Formazione’, an Italian national VET association that supports Vet players at national and international level.

The common points between the investigative and propositional activities carried out by either ‘Scuola Centrale Formazione’ and the SkillsAct4Vet consortium are numerous, from the gap between formal education and the labor market, to the follow-up of the students during internship experiences abroad.

We confirm how technical and professional skills are key for Vet students, and a great and valuable effort has been made to strengthen their training and validation. 

#ECVET, the European credit system has the specific purpose to facilitate the recognition and transfer of learning outcomes on a transnational level.

Indeed ‘the mobility experience – as well summarised by Francesca Drago – is, for sure, informal training, but it leads to an effective, complete, 360-degree learning’.

During the usual 3-4 weeks length for a short-term mobility, the most relevant skills are the transversal ones, where we observe effective and lasting progresses for students.

It is interesting to reveal how different investigative efforts actually led to similar results, thus giving strength and validity to the outputs that are in the works for the SkillsAct project in this case (https://skillsact4vet.eu/platform/research/ ).

Our project aims to optimize soft skills activation during short terms mobilities, and we are happy to cross our results with stakeholders and experts.

On soft-skills activation we invite to monitor our project webpage, and to follow up the #Playing4SoftSkills project (https://playing4softskills.eu), coordinated by our colleagues from #Berlink with a focus on learning soft skills through play.

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