July 27, 2024

Just a few days left to apply your project to the Erasmus+ Programme

23 February at 12.00 (Brussels time) is deadline to apply for a short-term Erasmus+ project and participate in the European Union Program in the fields of Education, Training, Youth and Sport, for the period 2021-2027.

Thanks to the successful results  of the Program in the previous period, Erasmus Plus has increased the opportunities aimed at a greater number of participants and towards a wide range of organisations.
Within the Erasmus Plus Programme, some key themes play a central role, such as social inclusion, environmental sustainability, the transition to digital technology and the promotion of participation in democratic life by the younger generations. Spending time in another country to study, learn and work should become the norm, as should being able to speak two other languages in addition to one’s mother tongue.

But let’s see what it is!

Erasmus+ short-term mobility projects (Action KA122) pave the way for the participation of new comers, i.e. those who have never ventured into European planning and represent a direct and simple way to benefit from the Erasmus+ Program and European mobility experiences for the learners and for the staff.
They allow you to plan a few activities in a simple way and with easy-to-manage funding, to gain experience within the program.
The project can combine various types of activities between learner mobility, staff mobility and the possibility of hosting experts, trainee educators and carrying out preparatory visits to hosting organizations before the mobility takes place.

The maximum limit is 30 participants and includes mobility for learners and staff. Please consider that preparatory visits and the participation of carers in the event of disabilities do not fall within this limit!

Why participate in the Erasmus plus program as a School?

Because we believe that it’s an incredible experience!

Because it guarantees people learning opportunities in formal and non-formal contexts!

Because it promotes the internationalization and institutional development of schools!

And there are so many other reasons…

If you want to know them, contact Eva Ridolfi, Head of the International Relations Team, by sending an email to ridolfi@etnmanagement.eu, via whatsapp on +39 3453605645 or by calling +39 097151794

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