July 27, 2024

6 steps to write a perfect Erasmus+ mobility project

Are you writing a short – term KA12/KA22 Erasmus+ individual Mobility project for your school ?

If the answer is yes, we would like to give you some tips that can be pretty useful.

Truth be told, building up a project from scratch can’t be improvised!

A good KA1 mobility project should be conceived from the school’s educational gaps and should align with both the goals and European priorities. Besides, it’s also important to understand how your project is judged on both a formal and qualitative level. ( consult the guide book used by the best professionals that you can find on Erasmus+’s website).

First step

Build up an organizational team to define all the modalities, in which the entire project will be managed through each phases: preparation, ongoing activities and dissemination.

Second step

Point out all the objectives and the expected results. Don’t forget that those must be in alignment with important documents such as: PTOF, the self – evaluation report and the school’s improvement plan.

Third step

Choose the project activities, based on the requested needs and the goals to be reached.

Fourth step

Inform the school’s staff and the students of the opportunities given by the Erasmus+, select the participants, establish clear, simple and consistent requirements and publish them. After that, you must record the advancement of the selection and appoint an examining commission.

Fifth step

Provide a timeline chart regarding the preparation and the dissemination of each activity, according to the project’s duration.

Sixth step

Last but not least, it’s necessary to devise an internal and external communication plan for the school. The Dissemination is also an essential part of the project throughout its duration.

ETN could be your partner to let your project fly.

Reach out to Eva Ridolfi, International Relations Team Manager, by sending an email to ridolfi@etnmanagement.eu , via whatsapp at 3453605645 or by calling +39 0971 51794

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