January 17, 2025

Social Innovations – social and education inclusion” project for Bulgarian teachers and students at Tribeka Training Lab

The Erasmus+ program offers wide range of opportunities for its participants to acquire new skills and knowledge through short and long-term projects. Over the course of five days, from the 19th to the 23rd of July, Tribeka Training Lab had the pleasure to host a Bulgarian group of three teachers and eight students from the “Social Support and Information” association. They actively engaged in the project “Social Innovations – Social and Education Inclusion.”

Throughout this intensive period, the participants had the invaluable opportunity to broaden their horizons and discover the beauty of Malaga. The Tribeka tutors thoughtfully prepared two seminars with the aim to meet the specific needs of each group. The “Teaching in Multicultural Environment” seminar dedicated for the teachers, offered them insights into intercultural competence, intercultural dialogue, and intercultural education, complemented by practical examples of intercultural classroom activities. On the other hand, the “Professional Orientation and Motivation for Adults” seminar was designed for the students. Tribeka provided them with the platform to explore and discover their unique qualities through an engaging lecture and activities focusing around both hard and soft skills.

Beside the interesting training sessions, the participants also had the chance to visit two significant places associated with Malaga’s well-known artist, Pablo Picasso: Casa Natal – Picasso Birth House and the Picasso Museum. In an effort to introduce them to modern artists of Malaga, the group was also taken to the Jorge Rando Museum, Spanish artist, who was also born in Malaga and is considered one of the most recognised artists of the Neo-expressionist art movement.

The project “Social Innovations – Social and Education Inclusion” not only fostered the acquisition of knowledge but also stressed a sense of cultural exchange and appreciation for Malaga’s artistic heritage. Such enriching experiences highlights essence of Erasmus+ program and contribute to the overall growth and development of participants in their professional and personal environment.

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