July 27, 2024

Erasmus+: the latest news from the KA2 IPAL project

The IPAL project is bursting with news!

On the 28th of September the IPAL partners met in Sofia for the last Transnational Project Meeting. The consortium discussed the last details of the outputs, the final report and the organization of multiplier events that every partner will soon organize in their country to disseminate the project. 

Right now, the partners are collecting the feedback for the last output, the IO3: the Scorecard and the screening questionnaire on adult education providers’ performance in terms of the relevance of the adult education provision. The partners are also completing the last translation of the output.

Tribeka Training Lab has already held a Multiplier event on the 20th of October. Tribeka staff presented the aim of the project, the training modules, the screening questionnaires, and the scorecards of IO1 and IO2.

The project met with a lot of interest of the participants of the event. Many trainers and students asked where they could find the free materials with IPAL didactic modules.

During the event we underlined the key role of the CPD and the importance of good didactic preparation of teaching staff. We also talked about the role of self- evaluation in the process of recognizing your strengths and areas of improvement.  

Happy with the positive response from the public and all the interest in our project shown until now, we are ready for the final part of the IPAL journey and cannot wait to show the final outcomes to the world.

Stay tuned and don’t miss any of it!

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