July 27, 2024

Francesca and her Erasmus+ internship at Berlink

Hi, I’m Francesca, I’m 16 years old and I attend the ENGIM Turazza school, address graphic design in Treviso. I have always led a very normal life alternating from sports and hobbies, but exactly 5 months ago, during a lesson, my English teacher explained to the class the possibility of participating in a projcet for an Erasmus+ internship in Berlin; when the hour was finished I immediately gave my name along with other students from many addresses.

There were meetings to explain the project and then selections because there were so many applicants.

And now here I am in Berlin in July, the best month to be here, from what I’ve heard!

I am staying at a host family, like the rest of the group, who very kind and always helpful. The first few days I was here I visited some museums and areas of the city and went out in the evenings with my friends.

I started working at Berlink and already from the first day, against my expectations they asked me to realize some posters and then in the remaining weeks I helped them making videos, posters, and also sorting out documents.

Here at Berlink my “colleagues” are all very kind and always ready if I need help.

I admit, in the start I had some difficulty in approaching public transport because where I live in Italy there are only a few buses and trains. Here it’s quite different: there are trams, buses, U-Bahn, S-Bahn, trains, etc… and I’ll say it, only after a week and a half and after getting lost because I got the wrong metro, I start to be more independent and move around with peace of mind.

Now I am almost at the end of this month-long experience in which I have learnt many things that will definitely help me in the future, I have realised that you shouldn’t take everything for granted and that you can always make mistakes, but making mistakes is useful, it helps to improve.

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