July 26, 2024

Erasmus+ KA2 Mob4app project: the Berlink team and the Final Meeting in Madrid

As part of the Final Transnational Project Meeting, we as representatives of the Berlink team travelled to Madrid to meet with other 6 partners (Co.Meta S.r.l. uni, Pedagogical University of Cracow, Belgian-Italian Chamber of Commerce, Spain Chamber of Commerce, Stichting Kenniscentrum Pro Work, CISL Marche) for the purpose of working on and finalising the Mob4app project. Just a few words about the project: the most important goal of the project is enhancing the professional development of VET professionals in order to improve, manage and support cross-country mobility for apprentices in Europe. Our project in its objectives promotes long term mobility.

However, let’s go back to our meeting, the Spanish capital welcomed us with heat and sunshine, and the architecture delighted us with its dignity and diversity. It was a unique meeting, as the project began and continued during the pandemic, with previous meetings taking place just in the online sphere. Therefore, for the first time participants were able to shake hands and drink espresso together during the break. We can certainly share a reflection, online meetings do not replace the human dimension of meeting in person.

The institution hosting and responsible for our wellbeing in Madrid was the CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF SPAIN (CÁMARA DE COMERCIO DE ESPAÑA).

Our project meetings were held in the institution’s building, or more accurately, in its library. During the two-day meeting we had the opportunity to discuss what has already been done in the project, as well as what we still need to concentrate on and what deadlines are ahead of us. The focus of the meeting was also on dissemination and sustainability activities. We could not miss the session on financial and administrative activities. 

The meeting was held in a very pleasant atmosphere, thanks to the kind reception by our host Spain Chamber of Commerce and, most importantly, we managed to agree on many important issues for the project. Another advantage, already mentioned, was the meeting in person with our partners, so we could expand our network of contacts and simply spend time together in an efficient way.

See you Madrid!

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