The 4th Transnational Meeting of the Erasmus+ KA2 “IPAL – Improving Instructional Practices in Adult Learning and Supporting Adults Trainers’ Professional Development” project was successfully conducted in the beautiful city of Mantua, Italy on 21st and 22nd of February.
During the first day, after the discussion of the positive feedback received from the Spanish National Agency (SEPIE) on the Interim Evaluation Report, followed a detailed review on the IO2, the 8 modules for adult educators
The second day of the meeting focused on the IO3, the dissemination activities and the possible improvements.
The next step of the project will be testing the Output 2 with experts in the adult education sectors. The consortium is doing the interviews of the focus group for the Intellectual Output 3, the scorecard and screening questionnaire on adult education providers’ performance in terms of the relevance of the adult education provision.
The next Translational Project Meeting will be in June 2022, hosted by the IPAL coordinator Tribeka Training Lab in Malaga.
As far as the online learning platform is concerned it will be soon available to all adult educator eager to lean new approaches in their learning activities.
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