February 10, 2025

Teachers from public primary school in the Zawierzbie in training in Spain

A group of teachers from the Public Primary School The Home Army in Zawierzbie as part of the “European School@ Future” project, during the summer holidays she participated in foreign methodological courses in Malaga, Spain.      The “European School@ Future” project – “Transnational mobility of school education staff” is implemented under the 4th priority axis Social innovations and transnational cooperation, Action: 4.2 Transnational mobility programs under the Operational Program Knowledge Education Development 2014 – 2020 (PO WER).

The “European School@ Future” meets the needs of the development of teachers, pupils, and a school facility focused on the development of creative and innovative technologies in teaching early school and school education, increasing the language and didactic competence of teachers and pupils.

     The main goal of the “European school@ future” project is to introduce innovative methods of teaching English with the widest possible use of ICT in teaching, strengthening the European dimension of the school and its international scope, and equalizing the educational opportunities of school staff, and thus school students.

     The specific objectives are: to improve the qualifications and skills of teachers so as to improve the quality of school education; improving the skills of using ICT tools in teaching in English; improving teachers’ language skills; promoting intercultural awareness in order to provide students with reliable knowledge about other cultures; improving traditional teaching methods for more creative teaching using modern technologies and innovative working methods, and thus striving to equalize the educational opportunities of students from rural areas; introduction of the CLIL system in early school education and in classes IV – VIII; acquisition of experience and skills for action at EU level, promoting mobility activities for teaching staff; learning about the culture of another country and gaining experience in the implementation of transnational mobility projects.

In June, teachers learned the secrets of using ICT in teaching. They acquired practical language skills, learned the methods of using ICT in schools in another country, established contacts with foreign school staff, looked at in a practical way and real activities of a foreign institution that provides bilingual education and uses ICT on a wide scale in teaching.
      In August they participated in the CLIL course. The CLIL method is an extremely effective way of teaching a foreign language through integrated subject-language education. Science teaching material is included in the teaching process and humanities so that students acquire practical knowledge in other fields while learning a foreign language.
     After the training, participants received relevant certificates and a Europass Mobility document. These certificates increased professional qualifications and improved the workshop of the participating teachers. From September this year. trained teachers apply the acquired knowledge in working with students and will promote the idea of ​​multilingualism and multiculturalism among students
and teachers of the Public Primary School in Zawierzbie. 

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